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Amjed Eljaili

Amjed Eljaili

Betsi Cadwalader University Health Board, UK

Title: Left ventricular thrombus complicated by acute stroke due to consequence of cocaine abuse


Biography: Amjed Eljaili


Cocaine abuse can cause acute and chronic cardiovascular complications which include, coronary artery spasm , aortic dissection,  myocardial infraction, left ventricular dysfunction and  thrombosis that  can  lead to fatal thromboembolic event.  It has been well described in the literature that  cocaine  significanlty  increases the risk of  ischemic stroke  in young adults within 24 hours of use. Interestingly  the risk of cerebral infarct  relating  to acute cocaine comsuption  is notably  higher  than the usuall well known  stroke  risk factors.

A 32 years old gentleman  who is known to have history of  cocaine abuse, presented  with an acute stroke, myocardial infraction and significant large left ventricular thrombus which took place within  short time window following cocaine abuse.

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